Monthly Archives: December 2020

State Pension Age Rises

How could the change impact on your retirement plans?

For the first time in over a decade, the point at which people can claim a State Pension (the ‘State Pension Age’) is simple. If you have reached your 66th birthday, you can claim it. Otherwise you cannot.

Men and women born between 6 October 1954 and 5 April 1960 start receiving their pension on their 66th birthday. For those born after that, there will be a phased increase in State Pension age to age 67 in 2028, and eventually age 68 from 2037.

‘Triple lock’ pledge is safe
Back in 2010, women could claim their State Pension from age 60, while men could claim theirs at age 65, but in 2018 women had their State Pension age increase to age 65 too. Further increases to the pension age are also expected for younger generations.

It comes as the Chancellor Rishi Sunak vowed the ‘triple lock’ pledge is safe. Mr Sunak said: ‘We care very much about pensioners and making sure they have security and that’s indeed our policy.’

Increasing as people live longer
Under this pledge, the State Pension increases each year in line with the highest of average earnings, prices (as measured by inflation) or 2.5%. The full State Pension for new recipients is worth £175.20 a week. To receive the full amount, various criteria including 35 qualifying years of National Insurance, must be satisfied.

The age at which people receive the State Pension has been increasing as people live longer, and the government has plans for the increase to 68 to be brought forward. However, the increases have been controversial, particularly for women who have seen the most significant rise.

People reconsider retirement plans
Women born in the 1950s have been subjected to rapid changes and those involved in the WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) campaign lost their legal challenge, claiming the move was unlawful discrimination.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has led many people to reconsider retirement plans, especially those who feel they are more at risk from the outbreak. Former pensions minister Ros Altmann argued that the crisis meant there was a ‘strong case’ for people to be given early access to their State Pension, even if it were at a reduced rate. She also pointed out the large differences in life expectancy in different areas of the UK.

Future for both is not entirely clear
Millions of people who will rely on their State Pension in retirement need to know two things: how much will they receive, and when. The future for both is not entirely clear. Firstly, the age at which the State Pension begins has been rising, and will continue to do so.

Secondly, there is always plenty of debate over the future of the triple lock – the pledge to ensure that the State Pension rises by a minimum of 2.5% each year.

Long-term financial planning
And if young workers think this has nothing to do with them, they should think again. How long we work before we receive state financial support in retirement is a vital issue for long-term financial planning.

Younger workers have also been urged by pension providers to consider their retirement options, with a strong likelihood of State Pension age rising further as time passes.

A timely reminder to everyone
The increase to the State Pension age provides a timely reminder to everyone to check their pension pots and ask themselves whether the savings they’ve built up are enough for the kind of life they want in retirement.

As average life expectancy continues to increase, the State Pension age will inevitably follow suit. This means younger savers need to plan and assume they might not reach their state pension age until 70 or even beyond. Anyone who aspires to more than the bare minimum in retirement needs to take responsibility as early as possible to build their own retirement pot.

Content of the articles featured in this publication is for your general information and use only and is not intended to address your particular requirements or constitute a full and authoritative statement of the law. They should not be relied upon in their entirety and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute advice. Although endeavours have been made to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of any articles.

Financial Action Plan

10 steps to help you build a better financial future

In these uncertain times, it can help to focus on the things you can control. And working out what your money’s doing for you now and where it might come from in the future can give you real peace of mind.

As another year rapidly draws to a close many of us may already be starting to think about what resolutions we can make to improve our financial health in 2021. And even though we may resolve to improve our finances, it’s knowing where to begin that’s key.

1. Show me the money
The first step to getting your finances on track is to know where your money is going. But that isn’t always obvious. Tracking your expenses can keep your spending on a parallel track with your income and help you avoid overspending. This goes hand in hand with setting up a budget. You may have a good handle on your monthly bills, but what about your daily expenses? You may be surprised by how much money you spend on smaller items. Review all of your expenses for ways to cut back, and then decide what to do with the extra money. Set specific goals, such as building an emergency savings fund, paying off your credit card bills or increasing your retirement savings.

2. Reducing borrowing
Next make a list of all the borrowing you have – including mortgage, personal loans, store cards, credit cards and bank overdrafts. Calculate the amount you owe and remember that you should update this as the year progresses to track your progress. If you cannot reduce your overall borrowing, then you need to ensure you are paying as low an interest rate as possible. This may mean switching credit cards or mortgages, or consolidating various borrowings into one loan.

3. Tax really matters
There are plenty of tax allowances to make use of each financial year – remember this runs from 6 April to 5 April the following year – so it’s worth being aware of which annual allowances you can benefit from. All tax rates quoted in this article are applicable to the current 2020/21 financial year.
One of the most popular ways to save tax is by fully utilising your individual annual Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance, which is £20,000. You may save or invest your ISA allowance into one or more different ISAs, or you can put up to £4,000 into a Lifetime ISA (you must be aged 18 or over but under age 40 to open a Lifetime ISA). You won’t pay income tax, dividend tax or capital gains tax on the proceeds of any investments you hold within an ISA.

In addition, investors have a £2,000 tax-free dividend allowance held outside of an ISA. Basic-rate taxpayers pay 7.5% on dividends. Higher-rate taxpayers pay 32.5% on dividends. However, if your dividend income is above this amount, investing in an ISA could give you the benefit of additional tax-efficient payments.

If you are a basic-rate taxpayer the Personal Savings Allowance (PSA) permits you to earn up to £1,000 interest on your savings without paying any income tax on it. If you are a higher-rate taxpayer you have a PSA of £500 before you pay tax, while additional-rate taxpayers who earn over £150,000 do not qualify for the PSA. ISAs may remain worthwhile for those additional-rate taxpayers who don’t qualify, or who have a large amount of savings and have used up the PSA.

If you have investments held outside a pension or ISA, these will usually be subject to capital gains tax when they are sold or given to someone other than your spouse. The gain is usually calculated as the sale proceeds less purchase cost from assets and is taxable at 10% (basic-rate taxpayers) or 20% (higher and additional-rate taxpayers) except for residential property, where the rates are 18% and 28%.

Everyone has an annual tax-free capital gains allowance, currently £12,300. Gains up to this amount can be realised tax-free. If an asset is held jointly with a spouse, both can use their annual exemption against the gain, effectively doubling the tax-free allowance amount.

However, remember that tax rules can change in the future and their effects depend on your particular circumstances, which can also alter over time.

4. Good investing habits
Investing money regularly, instead of as a one-off lump sum, can reduce the impact of a market downturn on your portfolio. If you are looking for a smoother ride during volatile markets, pound-cost averaging – where money is drip-fed into the market over time – may be an appropriate option. Steady, regular investments can provide you with some protection in case of sudden market corrections.

Given that we don’t know what markets will do from day to day or month to month, this stops you from investing all of your money at a peak and maximising losses. Some of your money will be invested when markets are down, so when they recover you are rewarded. Over the longer term, investing monthly averages out the highs and lows.

5. Pension savings boost
It’s important to think about how much money you might need in the future and whether you’ll have enough to give you the lifestyle you want. Making the right choices now could make a big difference to how much money you have in the future and saving into a pension plan could help you achieve the lifestyle you would like.

Even if you feel that your savings are on track to live comfortably in retirement, you can still top up your pension plan to help give your savings a boost and increase your potential wealth in retirement.
One of the great things about saving into some pension types is the tax relief you can receive. This means that if you’re a basic-rate tax payer, for every £100 saved into your pension the cost to you is only £80. This could effectively be even less if you’re a higher or additional-rate tax payer.

Tax rules may be altered in the future, and their effect depends on your personal situation, which can also change. Bear in mind, too, that you can’t ordinarily draw benefits from a pension arrangement until you are aged at least 55 (rising to 57 by 2028), so this is a long-term investment.

6.Focus your goals
Did you start 2020 with plans to save and invest more money and reduce borrowings, but lost your way? Refocusing your finances and recommitting to financial goals can seem challenging, especially during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but it’s not a lost cause.
Focus on making several small, short, achievable financial goals. By setting smaller goals and achieving them one at a time, you’re more likely to stay motivated and reach them.

Remember, yesterday is done and gone. You cannot change what you did yesterday, whether you made good choices or bad ones. But you can change what happens today. Being clear on your financial goals is essential to making the most of your money. Making decisions with a clear endpoint in mind can make it easier to achieve financial security and independence and allow you to enjoy the life you want.

7. Stick to your plan
As governments around the world take further action to stem the spread of coronavirus, stock markets continue to react with increased volatility. During any period of volatility, thinking about your reasons for investing and what you ultimately plan to do with your money is important. But market volatility is unavoidable and is part of market behaviour. Markets move through stages of growth, slowing down and speeding up. Unfortunately, the timing of those cycles can be unpredictable.

Selling out in fear can be the worst thing to do. Large falls can often be followed by large rises, leading to the risk of losing on both sides – selling when prices are depressed and not buying in until they have moved higher. Avoid the daily monitoring of investments during falling markets as this can result in an over-emotional reaction and lead to making irrational decisions.

8. Smooth out returns
When it comes to investing, you need to take on some risk in order to generate a return. One of the best ways to control that risk is through something called ‘diversification’. ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ is a common expression. This means ensuring that you spread your capital amongst different investments so that you’re not reliant upon a single investment for all of your returns.

Different types of investments perform in different ways over time. When some rise in value, others are not changing or decreasing. So diversification helps to smooth out your returns. The key benefit of diversification is that it helps to minimise risk of capital loss to your investment portfolio.

9. Discuss your concerns
When faced with certain choices and in the midst of volatile periods, some people may understandably fall prey to their stock market emotions and make decisions that are not in their best long-term financial interest. But it’s natural to feel worried.

Even experienced investors steeped in the market’s historical cycles may feel torn between emotions and knowledge. That’s why having a professional financial adviser, who can advise you before making any decisions, is key. This will enable you to discuss your concerns to help keep those market emotions in check and work together to ensure your long-term investment strategy remains on track.

10. Reinvest dividends
Dividends are payments of some of the profits made by a company to its shareholders. They are not guaranteed, and are at the discretion of the company, but when they are paid, you have the option to reinvest them into more of that company’s shares. Reinvesting dividends provides benefits that shouldn’t be ignored.

In a current era of low interest rates, investors need to use every tool they can to make the most of their money. Reinvesting dividends can add significant wealth over normal investment returns and one of the most powerful tools available for boosting returns over time. Those seemingly small amounts reinvested can grow into much larger amounts when used to buy even more shares of stock that can pay further dividends in turn.




Content of the articles featured in this publication is for your general information and use only and is not intended to address your particular requirements or constitute a full and authoritative statement of the law. They should not be relied upon in their entirety and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute advice. Although endeavours have been made to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of any articles.

‘Future Self’

Boosting future retirement savings

Young people are faced with a unique set of challenges when it comes to saving for retirement. One of these is perception. They can often think of their ‘future self’ as a different person and so may prefer holding on to their income for more immediate priorities, like a first home deposit, rather than saving for someone they perceive as a stranger.

A new study has revealed how nearly two million younger people could have an extra £7,000 a year in retirement income, simply through a series of small behavioural nudges[1].

Getting young people to picture their ‘future self’ and introducing simpler pension labels to link contribution levels and retirement income were just two small changes that were shown to boost future retirement savings by up to £142,450 amongst those under the age of 30.

The study looked to understand what motivated younger people to save more, particularly at a time when their immediate economic outlook may look bleak. The process included psychological testing by the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) with around 3,000 22‐29‐year‐olds across the UK to learn more about their attitudes, confidence and expectations around their future finances.

The experiment tested different approaches in an attempt to identify what small ‘nudges’ could make the biggest difference to those who had pointed to a lack of awareness of pensions and information on how to change their contributions.

Small ‘nudges’ could make the biggest difference

1. Labelling makes a difference: By including tangible explanations, such as ‘a 12% contribution would keep you above the poverty line’ and ‘a 15% contribution would allow for a comfortable retirement’, twice as many young people would recommend almost doubling pension contributions from the default minimum of 8% to 15%.

2. Reframing investments over savings: When participants were asked how much to ‘invest’ in their pension as opposed to how much they should ‘save’ – the amount they recommend someone puts aside shot up by a third (34%).

3. Prompts drive engagement: Once young people start actively thinking about their future, they’ll care more about their retirement prospects. After answering a set of questions about where they see themselves in the future, the number of participants who want to raise their pension contributions increased by 11%, equivalent to 800,000 young people saving more.

Persistent problems of pessimism and disengagement

Research carried out alongside the experiments found that young people were relatively pessimistic about their retirement. Nearly 90% stated they were either not at all confident, a little confident, or moderately confident they were doing enough for their retirement.

Most people wanted to retire by 64 at the latest (63%) but expected it to be much later. In fact, over one in five (21.9%) expect either to retire after 70 or never actually stop working. The main barriers to saving were having no spare money after paying their bills, the need to save for a major expense such as a house deposit or paying off debts.

However, beyond these ‘financial constraints’ the two most common answers were simply they hadn’t thought about retirement or savings (21%), and didn’t know how to increase their contributions (15%).
Before COVID‐19, nearly half (49%) of 22% of 29 year olds were not saving adequately for retirement, meaning they face working for far longer than they expect to, or retiring with only enough money to cover the basics.

This situation has only intensified with mass unemployment looming and more than a quarter (26%) of 18% of 24 years‐olds having already lost their job. Sectors and jobs that young people disproportionately work in, such as hospitality and retail, part‐time and zero hours, have been the most affected.

Source data:
[1] Scottish Widows study

Behavioural Insights Team research
BIT conducted a short experiment with 2,822 22‐29‐year-olds, focused on increasing engagement with pensions. Each participant saw one of four vignettes about ‘Alex’, a 25‐year‐old with average income and default contributions, and their responses to how Alex should change her savings were recorded.

£142,450 calculated using the online MAS pension calculator. Based on a 22-year-old earning the UK average salary, £30,420 (ONS), increasing combined employer and employee contributions from the default 8% to 15%.
8% contributions = £162,799 saved into a pension by 68, or £17k income p.a., including State Pension.
15% contributions = £305,249 saved into a pension by 68, or £24k income p.a., including State Pension.

Retirement Report research
Adequate Savings Index based on research carried out online by YouGov across a total of 5,757 adults aged 18+.
Data is weighted to be representative of the GB population. Fieldwork was carried out 26 March – 11 April 2020.




Content of the articles featured in this publication is for your general information and use only and is not intended to address your particular requirements or constitute a full and authoritative statement of the law. They should not be relied upon in their entirety and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute advice. Although endeavours have been made to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of any articles.